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The Future: A Proponent of Multicultural Education

    What is Multicultural Education?

    According to, multicultural education contains the following ideals:

  • Every student must have an equal opportunity to achieve to her or his full potential.

  • Every student must be prepared to competently participate in an increasingly intercultural society.

  • Teachers must be prepared to effectively facilitate learning for every individual student, no matter how culturally similar or different from her- or himself.

  • Schools must be active participants in ending oppression of all types, first by ending oppression within their own walls, then by producing socially and critically active and aware students.

  • Education must become more fully student-centered and inclusive of the voices and experiences of the students.

  • Educators, activists, and others must take a more active role in reexamining all educational practices and how they affect the learning of all students: testing methods, teaching approaches, evaluation and assessment, school psychology and counseling, educational materials and textbooks, etc.

    Through my volunteer and travel experiences, I have learned, like the great American educator, Ernest Boyer, said, that “we belong to the same human family, the family that connects us all.” I want to instill this message in my students so that together we can build a greater understanding of the universal experiences we all share as human beings, and how we can use those experiences to make a positive impact in our community. I am convinced that our compassion grows and our ignorance and prejudice decreases when we seek to find what unites us instead of focusing on our many physical and cultural differences.

    Since we are part of a greater human family, I want to impart on my students the importance of service to one another. Especially in today’s consumerist and “me” culture, I want my students to learn that a meaningful life does not focus on what you can get for yourself, but rather how much you can give to others. I want them to know and believe the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.”

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    Some Interesting Educational Web sites

    Below are ten educational web sites that are useful for both teachers and students. Several of the chosen web sites address multicultural education. Some contain information specifically for teachers, while some are geared towards kids. Enjoy!
